On March 29, 2016, a twenty-five-year-old man saw his ex-girlfriend riding in another man’s car in Fort Pierce, Florida. After signalling them to pull their car over, Miguel Gomez is alleged to have begun to chase them in his vehicle. Reportedly, Gomez rammed the back of their car three times, finally sending it into an uncontrolled spin. After their car stopped spinning, he was said to have rammed the driver’s side door of the vehicle. Gomez was arrested shortly thereafter when his car stalled. Based on the reports of the driver and the ex-girlfriend, Gomez was charged with two counts of aggravated assault and criminal mischief over $1000. He will be needing the services of an unjust battery criminal attorney like Jeffrey Garland to provide him with effective and quality representation in the legal process to come.
While Gomez’ case may seem clear-cut, many times battery or assault charges can be unjustified or invalid based on just police reports. Factors such as drugs, alcohol, mental health, and others may be important for true justice in the case. The accused may be in a situation where the police filed charges just to arrest someone for the mess, legal situations such as divorce or other law suits may lead to unfounded accusations, or the other person may never have intended to press charges. Fort Pierce criminal lawyer Jeffrey H. Garland has the legal experience and expertise in unjust battery cases to assist someone charged with unjust battery, assault or domestic violence.
Unjust battery charges can be damaging to an individual’s reputation, financial standing, liberty and property. Without the expert advice and services of Garland and his legal team, an unjustly accused client could lose everything. Garland and his team provide their clients with an independent assessment of the charges, their validity, and their circumstances. They then give the best advice on how to proceed, what pre-trial or trial motions need to be filed and how to provide the best resolution of the case. If you or someone you know have been in a legal situation similar to Gomez, contact the firm at Jeffrey Garland P.A. When life, liberty and property are at stake, it’s no time to delay.