A Port St. Lucie man is going to be facing quite a bit of time after allegedly robbing a mother at gunpoint. This person has already been in jail and given a felony conviction for similar crimes. Therefore, he’ll need some serious protection and representation from a Port St. Lucie attorney.
The robbery occurred after a Halloween-oriented event where a lot of people who knew each other were mingling. The victim of the incident was at the event with her friends when the perpetrator, a friend’s brother, asked the victim for a ride. Perhaps, the victim felt that it was okay because the person was a relative of a friend. She quickly found out that not all relatives are friendly.
The assailant got out of the car as soon as the victim pulled into the driveway at his house and pulled a gun out on her. He aggressively requested that the woman give him everything that she had. The victim stated that she couldn’t do that because she was a single mother who didn’t have anything to give. Her infant child was in the back seat of the car during all of the commotion. The perpetrator snatched a chain off the woman’s neck. The victim then pulled out of the driveway and started to drive off. The perpetrator chased the women’s car and hit her door with an object, but she still made it to safety and had someone call the authorities. The police arrested the man and took him to St. Lucie County Jail shortly thereafter. He has a massive stack of charges against him that include possession of a firearm by a felon, aggravated assault, robbery with a firearm, criminal mischief and more. He is going to need a Port Saint Lucie robbery arrest attorney who has a proven track record of success with complex criminal cases. Just the robbery with a firearm charge is enough to get someone life in prison.
The law office of Jeffrey H. Garland, PA can defend someone that is currently dealing with these matters. They are very transparent in that prospects can view their case results personally so that they know they are contacting a provider that fights to win. If you or someone you know has been accused of any of the above-mentioned crimes, the Port Saint Lucie robbery arrest attorney can and will assist you. Contact the Law Office of Jeffrey H. Garland, P.A. at 772.489.2200.