A 22-year man residing in the 600 block of 24th Place Southwest was arrested by Indian River County Sheriff’s Office earlier this week on a charge of sexual battery. The alleged victim stated that she attempted to push the man away on several different instances once he started making inappropriate physical advances. Ultimately, the victim alleged, the suspect forcibly raped her.
Representatives from the Sherrif’s Office indicated that the suspect told a very similar story to that of the victim upon questioning by a detective. He maintained that he felt confused by the alleged victim’s protestations, as he believed her to be aroused during their encounter.
After his arrest on Wednesday, the suspect secured his release from the Indian River County Jail on Thursday by posting bail in the amount of $25,000.
Whenever a charge of sexual battery is lodged in Florida, it is essential that defendants take the situation very seriously. The ramifications of a criminal conviction on such a charge can be truly life altering, and as such, a vigorous legal defense is vital. From terms of incarceration to costly fines and mandatory sex offender registration and other penalties, the consequences of being found guilty of of an assault crime must be avoided at all costs.
With nearly 40 years of experience as an aggressive advocate for clients in Florida, Jeffrey H. Garland possess the knowledge and skills necessary to fight for the rights of the accused. However, when it comes to building an effective defense strategy, there is no time to lose. The sooner an Indian River criminal defense lawyer is contacted following an arrest, the greater the chance of obtaining the best possible outcome.
If you or someone you love is facing a serious criminal charge in Florida, now is the time to enlist the aid of a seasoned practitioner who will leave no stone unturned on your behalf. Contact the Law Office of Jeffrey H. Garland, P.A. at 772.489.2200 to learn more about the numerous ways an Indian River sexual battery defense lawyer can help.