Some people will try to get their jollies any way possible, and that includes using strange tactics to take videos. A Port St. Lucie man was arrested on charges of video voyeurism after allegedly doing some inappropriate filming of a young lady who was just there to shop. The report says that the offender followed the female around in the store with a camera and got very low more than once as to film underneath her skirt. This person was caught by a loss prevention specialist who was watching everything that was going on from the surveillance cameras.
The police took this person into custody and charged him with video voyeurism. The bail that the judge placed on him was $750, which he paid to be released. Even if the crime that he is being charged with were only be a misdemeanor, the repercussions of getting a conviction for them could cause him a lot of problems. If he has a family, it could embarrass him. If he has a job, it could cause him problems at work. He could also have issues getting another job if he receives a conviction for this crime. He will need to hire a reliable St. Lucie criminal defense attorney so that he can fight this charge.
Video voyeurism used to be a misdemeanor with a punishment of up to one year in jail. Now, the crime is a felony. People who receive convictions for this crime are subject to prison sentences of five years as well as fines of up to $5,000. Such a charge will definitely call for the assistance of a reliable St. Lucie lawyer. This person will need someone who has experience in defending these types of issues. Scheduling a consultation right away is important because it can help to ensure that the accused person gets a fair shot.
St. Lucie Criminal Lawyer Jeffrey H. Garland
Contact The Law Office of Jeffrey H. Garland, P.A. at 772.489.2200 if you are facing a similar situation or you have a family member who is facing a similar situation. Jefferey H. Garland and his law firm are responsible for many overturned cases and positive decision. You can schedule a consultation today and find some new hope for what you are going through. You deserve to have an experienced attorney help you with your tough case. Call today and get everything started right away so you can protect your reputation and your freedom.