The “war on drugs” continues in America. Arrests and prosecutions for drug-related charges seem to always be in the news. The St. Lucie County, Florida area is no exception.
A recent undercover crack cocaine buy resulted in the arrest of seven people in Fort Pierce. St. Lucie County Sheriff’s drug investigators were responsible for the arrests. Police reportedly seized 11 grams of cocaine from the Fort Pierce house during the raid. Two of the people arrested in this operation were charged with possession of drug equipment, resisting an officer without violence, and cocaine possession with intent to sell, manufacture, or deliver. Five of those arrested were charged with possession of drug equipment.
Anyone who has been arrested for drug-related charges, or who is being investigated in connection with any drug case, would be wise to consider hiring an experienced criminal lawyer. Defending against drug-related charges is a serious matter. The stakes can be high if you have been charged with drug-related offenses in Florida, with penalties for a conviction including incarceration, probation, and fines. A drug possession criminal lawyer can be your best defense against the overwhelming resources of the state or federal government.
A Fort Pierce Drug Bust Lawyer can protect your legal rights in any drug possession case brought against you in St. Lucie County. You want a local, criminal defense attorney on your side if you are facing drug charges in St. Lucie County. A Fort Pierce criminal lawyer will be familiar with the local courts, prosecutors, police, and judges.
Drug cases can involve possession, doctor shopping, drug trafficking, and grow houses. Defending against drug or drug-related charges can be complicated. An experienced criminal defense attorney will be knowledgeable in all aspects of defense, including challenges to search and seizure techniques, wire tap warrants, and the use of informants by the police.
If you or someone you know is in a similar legal situation, contact our firm at 772-489-2200. We have extensive experience handling drug cases at the state and federal levels. Contact the law office of Jeffrey H. Garland today to discuss your case and schedule an appointment for a case evaluation.
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